Never doubt that a
small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens
can change the world;
indeed, it's the only
thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead
We met when he posted that he
would hike to the top of Mt. Washington (New Hampshire) in a dress if he raised $1,000 in contributions to a charity he
helped found in 2011 called Hike for Mental Health. I donated some money. Then, when it got closer to the deadline, he
posted that he was only about $200 short of his goal. I really wanted to see this guy hike in a
dress, so I donated some more money. And
I got a neat t-shirt.
He met his goal and hiked in a
dress; he wasn't the only one, either.
What does hiking have to do with mental health? Everything.
According to the National Institute
of Mental Health, about 1 in 4 adults suffers from depression, schizophrenia,
or some other brain or behavior disorder in a given year. HIKE for Mental Health wants to help. As they say so eloquently on their website:
Hiking on backcountry trails helps
many people re-connect with nature and with places within themselves that get
obscured in the daily hustle and bustle. A few days in the solitude of the
trail re-grounds them and helps preserve their mental health.
For people battling mental illness,
however, the path to mental health is rarely so simple. Mental illness affects
1 out of 4 families in the United States, leaving those who suffer from it and
their families searching for answers, cures and treatments that will allow them
to experience the simple joy of living.
Increase public appreciation for and
responsible use of wilderness trails.
Raise funds, principally by coordinating
fundraising wilderness hikes, in order to prevent and alleviate the pain caused
by mental illness and maintain and preserve wilderness trails
In distributing its net proceeds,
HIKE for Mental Health directs 80% to scientific research to prevent, cure, or
treat mental illness and 20% to preserve wilderness trails. The group is operated entirely by volunteers;
there are no paid positions. All administrative
costs are covered by the volunteers.
In 2012, which was only the second year it was in existence, HIKE for Mental Health
attracted 26 hikers to seven hikes which, through the support of 110 sponsors
and donors, raised a total of $7,734.00. They raised the money entirely through
hikes. 80% of this money went to the
Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. The
other 20% went to the New York- New Jersey Trail Conference.
This year, they raised over $12,000 for one hike!
This year, they raised over $12,000 for one hike!
If you are interested in learning
more about HIKE for Mental Health or would like to donate to this worthy organization,
go to their website at:
One of their goals for 2014 is to
have hikes in 14 states. When I looked
on the map, I saw, much to my dismay, that there have been no hikes in
Virginia! How can that be? Virginia has more miles of the Appalachian
Trail than any other state. This must be
corrected. Be on the lookout; I hope to
sponsor a hike either later this fall or in the winter.
Keep Mel and I posted on the VA Hike! I hope you make it happen!